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  • Jill Phillips

Suit of Death?

As retailers discontinue the suit within some stores, do you think the suit is dead?

Over the last few years fashion has altered and changed to suit our current lifestyles. The huge shift in working patterns has of course altered how we dress. With all the zoom meetings interest increased in how we dressed from the waist up, emphasis was placed on the neckline, whether that be jewellery, lace or cut. The lower half fell into the loungewear category, comfort combined with style creating a cut which is more casual.

Garment styles, fabric and cut emerges according to demand.

As the office day changed, so to, had the garments we bought. The demand from the consumer for the suit had reduced. Retailers are adjusted accordingly to this market shift hence came the decision from M and S to remove the suit from some stores.

However, things come and go and I believe the suit is in a transition period. It has been stagnant for a long time with small adjustments to fabric, pockets, cuffs or cut. It is required to move forward, to adapt to our lives, to give us something more than before. The suit is shifting in how we use it, it is not dead, just evolving. The cycle of the suit is changing.

We require something comfortable, formal yet adaptable. We desire garments that are versatile- dressing up to dressing down. With the awareness of the environment and the effects the fashion industry has on it, think of items that can expand your style, with small changes the suit can be extremely formal or casual depending on what you pair it with.

Do not forget, as trends come and go, consumers yearn for inspiration and desire something new; from this long period of loungewear, we are free to roam again, to be seen, to live. Being out and about, in turn, shifts the types of garments we need. Will it be towards a more formal style?

We need the suit. We need its versatility.

Suits are the new cool.

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